Monday, September 11, 2006

The Church of 110A
I have grown up in the church my entire life. Three times a week, if not more, I was at church. Even in my high school days I was always going to church. The same basic format was expected: sing, listen, sleep, go home. I began to always associate the word "worship" with singing. The individual leading the songs would say, “Let’s stand and worship the Lord” and then we would all start singing. So, does that mean I’m not worshiping God unless I’m singing? I’ve heard people in church say that worship is more than that, but that’s all we ever do. We sing the same old songs the same old way every same old Sunday.

Now, I'm not necessarily saying that I regret going to church so often, but since I have for so much of my life, I have become very familiar with it. So, if it is true that familiarity brings about complacency, then spiritually I am about as complacent as one can be. Why should anyone be surprised that I’m not ecstatic when I’m told that “Jesus died for my sins” when I have heard it about a billion times?

I hate the fact that I’m complacent. I hate to say it, but I’m sick of "church", recycled Christian clichés, and a lack of authenticity. I’m about as spiritually bored as a person can get.

So, I decided to do something about it…

The idea came into my head to not go to “church” while I’m here. Instead, I’m going to explore ways to worship and experience God that are new and creative to me. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and the soul acts. So, if my heart is bored and tired what good am I...

to myself...

to my world...

to my God...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey there Purple People Pickle Eater...
yea, i love the title of your previous post. do you realize your journal is something that should be published when you return? i think it would be a great read for any student studying ministry. anywayz, i agree with many things you said about church. i think that's a tough goal you have, but im glad youre doing it! i bet it will be refreshing and renewing to your mind as well as your vision when it comes to church, and what God had in mind. i wish i was there with you...well, for just a few days.. (i hope the noise level isn't too much trouble, haha, but it made for a good journal entry atleast!) keep it real, DUDE.