Monday, October 30, 2006

Say Hello to My Little Friends
Ever since my first night in Jerusalem, insects have found it rather convenient to visit me as if I was Ponderosa. At first, it was just a bite here and there, a couple on the ankle, a couple on the foot, a couple on the arm, no big deal. Well, the rainy season is just around the corner and the early rains have started. Meaning that the temperature has dropped about 20 degrees and cold rains are beginning to come rather frequently. So, it’s cold outside and all of the critters that are usually star gazing are now looking for a nice warm place to set up camp, mainly my bed. I never see them, put they leave their mark nonetheless, which I find every morning somewhere on my body. I think they might be ants. I squished something the other night that felt like an ant.

It has been getting bad enough that the past couple of nights I’ve been sleeping fully clothed. Complete with jeans, sweatshirt, and socks. Last night I even put rubber bands over the ends of my jeans so that bugs couldn’t creep up. I don’t know if my strategy has been working yet because I have so many bug bites on me I can’t tell if there are any new ones. So, I’ll continue this for a couple more nights to see how things pan out. Once again, as I sit back and think about the situation,

I realize it’s just another day in the Middle East…

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