Sunday, October 29, 2006

When I See It
I am the mature and dignified age of 22 (4.5 Leap Year baby). I know the time of infancy, elementary, and high school years simply flew by for you. Can you believe that in just over 6 months I’ll be graduating from college? You have weaned me, toilet trained me, and informed me of the winged animals of the air and their relationship to the insects who make honey. I am sure that it feels as if it was just yesterday that I was learning to ride a bike, figuring out how to tie my shoe, and playing t-ball. During the first 19 years of my life I was for the most part close to home and you would see me all the time. Now, since I’ve been in college, I’m gone more than I am at home, especially now that I am studying in Israel. Over the years, there have been some things that have not changed, such as my never ending energy, my ability to do amazingly stupid things and not get seriously injured, and my love for fried chicken.

But, there are many things that have changed. I began to drive, I grew taller than you, I got a job, I started reading because I wanted to, I started doing my own laundry, and I began to schedule my own haircut appointments just to name a few. Years ago you used to cradle me in your arms and we both know that by no stretch of the imagination would that ever be possible today (regardless of how much rice I eat here).

So, since you have been there for me my whole entire life and have seen so many new changes in my life I wanted you to be aware of the most recent. It took 22 years to get to this point in my life, for me to be able to accomplish what I am about to present. All forms of maturation and growth have finally built up to this, so that I could finally accomplish this magnificent act…

With all of that said, mom I am proud to tell you the following…

I started making my bed…

1 comment:

Phil Strahm said...

All that SOAR training has finally paid off...'bout time you started making your bed!